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Machose - The true luxury is you!

Machose Donation T-Shirt made of organic cotton

Machose Donation T-Shirt made of organic cotton

Regular price $189.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $189.00 CAD
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Our Machose donation T-shirt made of organic cotton is our opening campaign for more solidarity and female empowerment! Our time is alive and with every decision we can share and create values ​​that last for generations.

Machose is aware of this decision-making power and uses its female power to support the network for the care of seriously ill children and young people in Hanover. With this T-shirt, 10% of the proceeds are donated.

From our partner Machose - The true luxury is you!

MACHOSE vereint Geschichten ueber nachhaltige Innovationen und Produkttipps fuer einen nachhaltigen Lifestyle.Wir glauben fest daran, dass, je mehr wir uns und die Ressourcen unserer Erde verstehen, desto wertvoller gehen wir mit uns selbst und unserer Umwelt um. Zu diesem Bewusstsein wollen wir mit Content und Produkttipps beitragen :)

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materials of this product

organic cotton

Cotton is one of the most commonly used natural fibers and thrives mainly in warm, tropical and subtropical regions. Despite its breathability and absorbency, cotton is a thirsty plant that requires a lot of water. When manufacturing our business wear, we use organic cotton for the lining, sewing thread and various labels. Using cotton sewing thread instead of polyester ensures biodegradability, but increases production costs. Sourcing 100% cotton labels is challenging, but our commitment to sustainability is worth it to provide environmentally conscious business wear for women.

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